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Monday, August 1, 2011

31 Day Challenge for August

Hello August!

I recently watched this video at TED by Matt Cutts about trying something new in 30 day increments. 

Go ahead and watch the video. It is only 3 minutes and 27 seconds. I'll wait. 

Did you enjoy the video? It is a reminder that resolutions do not have to be for New Years only. You can challenge yourself to do something new each month! By making small, sustainable changes, those resolutions could progress past your challenge deadline. 

As Matt Cutt stated at the end of his video, "The next 30 days are going to pass whether you like it not. So, why not think about what you have always wanted to try and give it a shot...for the next 30 days."

For August, I decided to create a 31 day challenge for myself. I challenge myself to write each and every day. It could be only a few paragraphs or sentences about our day. It may turn into pages upon pages. 

My daily writing could include grocery lists or handwritten letters to mail. It could be a new blog post or writing a haiku with my girls.

Simply put, I want to write down all those words on paper that seem to always be tumbling around in my head like the clothes in my dryer. 

So, do you have something you have always wanted to try? 
A bad habit you want to break? 
Or a positive one you want to instill?

What will you challenge yourself to for the next 31 days?

1 comment :

I appreciate you stopping by! Thank you for commenting! xo ~Olivia