I picked up a few books from the library this month. I love that our library is minutes from our house but also that I can do most of my reserving and renewing of books online. This is perfect for last minute reminders that a book is due. I can avoid many late fees this way.
I always seem to accumulate a few fees though for books that are only available for short term loans, mostly the newer craft books that I check out and don't rush to give back.
I just finished The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender, a story of a girl's journey from third grade to adulthood and her mysterious talent to taste people's emotions and secrets through the food they prepare. I found it particularly sad but a page-turner. A modern day superhero tale where a family possesses strange talents that are more curses than they are gifts.
I am currently still in the midst of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
I am also reading The Blue Jay's Dance
I loved this line from the book, "Women are, strong, strong, terribly strong. We don't know how strong we are until we're pushing out our babies." So true and this quote resonates with me as an unmedicated birthing mama to five.
I also have been intermittently reading poems from Ballistics
So tell me, what have you been reading lately?
Any books I should be adding to my Autumn wishlist?
Any books I should be adding to my Autumn wishlist?
I am reading Stephen King's Dark Tower series. I'm currently on the first book, The Gunslinger. There are seven books in the series, wish me luck!