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Monday, May 2, 2011

May Day Birthday

Our gorgeous little twin girls turned 3 yesterday! I love them so much, since the very day I found out I was pregnant. Such joy the day we discovered we would be having double the sweetness! I will never forget watching the two little bodies moving on the ultrasound screen; the shock when the technician said the test would take a bit longer than expected because we had a Baby A and Baby B! Unbelievable! Then, telling our parents that the test had gone well and when asked what the sex of the baby was (with 3 little sisters already) we said, "It isn't a girl... no... it's not a boy... it's... TWO girls!!" 

I am so proud to have them in our lives and of the choice we made to deliver them at home. They are wonderful and so loving! I love to watch them together, talking and playing. Sometimes they will simply sit next to each other and one will tell the other to lay her head on her shoulder. So sweet it breaks my heart! Their bond as twins amaze me everyday!

Happy Birthday Isabella and Gracie! We love you!

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