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Monday, March 29, 2010

Our Earth Hour

We rocked Earth Hour again this year! Here is a slideshow of EH10 favorite photos!
This year we began our night with some little magnets for the girls to paint!
When 8:30 p.m. arrived it was "LIGHTS OUT!" Candles and lanterns were lit, appliances were shut down and unplugged, porch lights and garage lights went out, and we gathered around the dining table. 
We ate Blackout Cake (appropriate title for this event!) for our second year in a row! This recipe is a keeper. This cake is a to-die-for, put-you-in-a-chocolate coma, good. Try it! 
My sister Hannah drew in her sketchbook and the girls played a homemade card game with their Uncle Joshua.

Our power monitor recorded that we started the night at $.38 an hour (down $.04 from the previous year's consumption) and went to a mere $.06 during Earth Hour! Wow!
Earth Hour was a global event that hundreds of millions of people participated in to show their support in a call to action on climate change, protecting our future and of future generations! We were glad to have been a part of this worldwide event! 

Did you participate in this Earth Hour 2010? Let us know!

"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing 
because you can only do a little." 
- Sydney Smith


  1. That's beautiful!

    We were out at a masquerade ball, mostly lit by candles (with our 4 yr old fairy and 5 yr old lion).

    We try to celebrate Earth Hour more often at home ... once a month, aiming for once a week or more. It's a special family time and a great tradition to give our children.

  2. We did partcipate in Earth Hour, but I wouldn't say we celebrated. My daughter was already tucked in bed, alseep, so my husband and I played cribbage by lantern-light. A very peaceful evening. I hope to make Blackout cake next sounds delish!


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