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Friday, March 26, 2010

Earth Hour 2010

On Saturday, March 27th at 8:30 pm local time Earth Hour returns! Join World Wildlife Fund in turning your lights off for one hour, demanding immediate action on climate change!
Over 4000 cities across 88 countries participated in 2009, reaching over 1 billion people worldwide! Watch this amazing video of cities all over the world becoming dark and uniting to Vote Earth! 

Last year, we participated in Earth Hour with our family at my parents' home. We planted marigolds before our hour of "lights out". 
In the dark, we ate a Blackout Cake and dark chocolate kisses while attempting to summon the spirits of Nature with a Ouija Board. 
We noticed, thanks to my Dad's Energy Saver Power Monitor, that we saved $.34 an hour when the house went dark! Even with lights out, we still registered about $.07 an hour due to vampire energy.  
Vampire energy is all the electricity that plugged-in home electronics and appliances suck out of the power grid even when we are not using them. I figured that just this $.07 an hour of energy, from things not even in use, cost my parents a little over $613 a year! Wow! 
  • Find Earth Hour on Facebook and Twitter! Use #earthhour to let us know how you will be supporting Earth Hour!
  • Sign up here to automatically turn the lights off on your Twitter profile picture for Earth Hour.

            Tomorrow night, at 8:30 pm local time, we will be celebrating an hour in the dark to help "turn the lights off" on pollution and climate change and switch to a cleaner, safer, more secure world! 
            Won't you please join us? 


            1. i was just going back and forth with with a friend about this. it is so cool!

            2. This looks extremely interesting! I think I'll participate, we are always looking for ways to be 'greener' around the house. Thanks for the post!


            I appreciate you stopping by! Thank you for commenting! xo ~Olivia