This week has been a bit overwhelming. The girls last day of school was Monday and with them came a flurry of papers and schoolwork from the year, handfuls of broken pencils with no erasers, schoolbags and lunch boxes to be cleaned and put away, and even next years supply lists! Already!? *Sigh*
When clutter starts to pile up, my mind slowly starts shutting down. I feel swamped!
Last night, I gathered together the paper pile and started scanning everything to my computer. Art work, tests, stories they wrote, report cards, thank you notes from teachers and friends... all the things I wanted to keep for them as reminders of their school year were scanned and saved to files.
I made two folders labeled Madelyn and Lana and sorted accordingly. Then, I took that monstrous pile of paper and hurled it into the recycling bin. Ahh, better.
Our Family Father's Day weekend trip to the shore has been canceled because both days are booked for the girls' dance recitals! I'm sure Daddy couldn't think of any better way to spend his Father's Day then to watch his daughters on stage, full of glittery sparkles and smiles! Fun fun fun!
So, I have been furiously tweaking their costumes to make sure we are prepared for their big shows! All of this with two babies attached to either leg, Sophia shrieking "You help me!?" for a variety of reasons, and the two oldest succumbing to "boredom" 1 hour and 45 minutes in.
It has certainly been a hectic week! I hope to organize a bit more and get into the rhythm of summer vacation sooner rather than later.

*Wishing you all the happiest of weekends! Go hide that "Have to" list until Monday and spend it on a whole bunch of "Want to's"
I love this. This artwork is priceless. Hope your weekend was grand!